What is it?  Is it the same as passion?  Is it good or bad?  Is it Godly?  Can I control it?
As always we look at all topics from a Biblical perspective.  I believe you will find that whether you understand the Bible or not you will find this message to be true to the core of your being.

Webster’s defines it as, “To long or hope for” or “To feel the loss of”.
The Bible shows us desire in two distinct ways first….
As with any concept with God there are “two sides to the coin” respectively.  God is all loving and holy.  He does not push us to Himself yet he sets forth a perfect path to His presence and security.

Let’s go back to the Garden of Eden.  


Youth of Today
This past week Free Indeed was honored to bring its message of hope to junior high and high school students ranging from ages 11 to 18
We were invited by the youth pastor Matt, who felt that the best way to confront societal issues was to confront them head on, while giving the young people an opportunity to know that the church (and he) not only care and understand but are concerned as well.


?...YOU ARE!
The synopsis of a group discussion on relationships.

What are they, what’s acceptable and what’s appropriate?  And what God sees and deems a relationship to be in all of these aspects.
As you know our discussion topic conclusions are the collective thoughts of those who attend.  These thoughts are not scientific or in any way extracted from other people’s ideas or written in their own books or writings. These are thoughts from real people in real situations
I hope you will read this article and examine (with an open mind) these thoughts and ideas to enable you to discover within yourself that what you feel relationships are about and how they correspond with your life and what is good and right for you.
Here is our perspective: