What does it mean to be stuck? How do we get stuck? What are the consequences of being stuck?
I think of being stuck as being set in our ways. I think of people who are much older who often say, “I’m just set in my ways. That’s why I do what I do”.
I think of what people think about Free Indeed and our mission to reach the hurting and struggling. I think how they tell me, they don’t want to hear what we have to say because they have heard it for so long and have their own way of thinking. I call this “stuck in their ways”.
I was reading in 1st Thessalonians chapter 1 and the thought came to me that if we are stuck in our ways that we are truly saying we are stuck in our sin and it’s where we want to be. We’re not giving God any room or chance to use us and bring about change in our lives and meet the needs other people’s lives. We stop giving ourselves any hope for change.
How then shall we receive all that God has for us? Do you not know that you can inhibit your own blessings by holding positions in your heart that are against God?
It is a sin to be stuck in our ways. When we continue to reach out, our beliefs change and our faith grows. It doesn't matter who you’re reaching out to or why. The Bible doesn't tell us to judge people and determine if we should reach out. It simply instructs us to reach out and to bring Christ to ALL. Holy Spirit moves them to make an opportunity to know Jesus or, by their choice, reject Jesus. If we live right we believe right and we truly continue to grow.
Life is too short and too precious to stay “stuck”. It is pride to think that you are standing for God by not reaching others for Christ and using the excuse that “it’s just the way I am” or “that’s all I normally do”
Do we not risk a right relationship with God by being stuck in our ways? Will the world look at you and know that you are a Christian (by your love) or will they judge you a hypocrite because you are stuck in your ways?
We’re not talking about being who you are and doing things in life a certain way. For example; the way you make a bed, the way you cook a meal or the way you wear your clothes. We are talking about personal growth of your faith and in God.
If God is so small that you can reach full achievement of him and stay in your ways, I would say you’re not serving a big enough God and you certainly are not serving the one true God of Creation. That is not the message you would get if you were to read His word and understand it rightly.
This revelation has meant a lot to me as I know that I have been stuck in my ways. I know that I have been one to say, ‘that’s just the way I do it”. May I never say that again! When it comes to the growth of my faith and in my relationship with Jesus, especially pertaining to those in the world that need me, I pray I am always in a place of blessing!
For the people to whom God has called me to minister, talk or just smile, may I never be so stuck in my ways that I do not reach their heart when Holy Spirit leads!
Are you stuck in your ways? Think about it. And let me know what you think!

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