Free Indeed is an outreach to all who, regardless of sexual orientation, desire a personal relationship with God.
This is a question we are often asked. Clearly it is one that comes from people of faith who do not understand the same-sex attracted mind.
I read stories or published papers by people who work in counseling, psychology, psychiatry, (who have a relationship with God) and are part of the family of faith trying to give clarity to the topic of “homosexuality”. All too often they are missing real substance and understanding of the same-sex attracted (SSA) through Transgender mindset. When I read them, I see they equate same-sex attraction with daemonic influence or daemonic possession.
Because of this type of writing and teaching, we get questions from pastors, counselors and then individuals who have heard this and do not know what to believe.
I’m always thankful when someone asks us this question instead of just assume this to be the truth.
You can probably tell that I’m leading you to a place of not dismissing this hypothesis, but exposing it for what it is.
These conclusions come from people not same-sex attracted who have worked in a field interviewing those who are. The interview can only go so deep and so far thus, leaving the interviewer to only understand what they think they’ve heard. I know this gets a little twisted but stay with me as I unravel it for you. You can tell me all the stories you want about how iron ore is brought out of the ground. Unless I’ve done it, I really don’t have the full idea of how to do it or why it works or how it works. I believe the place of the mind is God’s place and that we can only understand some of what goes on in the mind. We cannot (with any absolute certainty) say what’s going on in another person’s mind.
I often see, in fact I always see, papers published by (for a better lack of a better term) straight people (who have interviewed same-sex attracted people) telling their readers the number of years doing these interviews is there benchmark of success and understanding of the SSA mind. You’re supposed to believe them because they have been asking people questions for a long time and writing down the answers.
I can assure you, if you speak to the person to whom they’re speaking, you will learn more about this whole subject than you ever thought you could or you ever will by reading their paper. You see, it takes a great deal of effort when you don’t know what’s going on in the SSA mind to find some semblance of truth. That semblance of truth…Trying to make others feel good about the topic without having experienced it personally.
You see, same-sex attraction (as Free Indeed has always said) does not necessarily mean someone is involved with a homosexual relationship or having sex with the same gender. Many people (married and single) have never experienced the sex that’s in their mind yet they’re attracted to the same gender and sometimes the attraction is not sexual.
With that little bit said and to keep this article short, I give you the truth.
As someone who lived through being single, married, same-sex attracted (living the big “G” gay lifestyle) and now in the ministry to help people understand how to love the unlovable, I do know of what I speak.
I do not agree with most of the writings that I see that everybody who is gay is demonically oppressed, influenced or possessed.
Let’s make sure we understand what each of these mean.
Demonically influenced; means that there is a demon or as the Bible describes a fallen angel of Satan’s ilk that has come after you to influence you to do the things he puts in your mind or leads you into places that you never thought you would go. Lust of the eye is a good way to see this. For example your computer, television or the vast visual media we have in this world which includes (seeing) same-sex attraction as a positive or negative attribute in life.
I agree there is daemonic influence. In fact, if you didn’t agree with that then you would have to say that there is no sin because that’s what it’s all about. So, we’re all demonically influenced because we have our flesh, and it has its desires and we will follow it.
Does it mean that because you sin there’s a demon that’s making you sin. I think not. You’ll do what you want, sometimes without any thinking or extra preparation. When we give that kind of power to Satan, we take power away from God. We take away all of the promises of the word and the security that Jesus gives us through his death on the cross.
Demonically oppressed, meaning that you truly have a demon about you that is forcing you into things, is keeping you from life, is creating a situation in your mind that cuts to the heart that you cannot get out from under or live free of. I believe this can happen and I’m sure, in some cases it does. But again, we must remember that this is not true for most of the population and should not be the first thing you think of when you meet someone who says there same-sex attracted or in the gay lifestyle.
Demon possessed; meaning a demon resides within the person and has control of their mind, body and heart. That person can manifest this demon. It speaks, it controls what they think what they say and what they do. Can this happen? Absolutely! Is it common? No!
Quite often, these thoughts are put together by people who then question, “Is there a spirit of homosexuality?” Many will say they “think so” but this comes out of a misunderstanding or lack of understanding of the same-sex attracted mind. And when I say lack of understanding, I mean it exactly the way I say it! You do not understand what’s going on in the same-sex attracted mind if you have never been (SSA) and do not connect with those feelings, emotions and thoughts.
You can do all the interviews you want, have studies and people will pay you lots of money to do them because they’re afraid to do it themselves. But the reality is unless you are that person you will never know the actual truth of being same-sex attracted.
I will also reiterate the truth that we must not give Satan such power as to say there is a (singularly embodied) spirit of homosexuality. This would be giving him a great deal of power to go out in some sort of all-powerful, all-knowing way and to try to attack everybody, whether in the womb or in life, breathing air. Nothing has that kind of power except God himself.
People of faith need to understand that you can make choices. You could choose to try out sex with the same gender. But it doesn’t mean that your same-sex attracted. It does not mean that there is a demon there waiting to get you.
We must also understand that people who are same-sex attracted are being saved all the time by accepting Christ and receiving their forgiveness, which Christ gave them on the cross just as he did everyone.
Remember folks, ALL sin is already forgiven! It’s just a matter of you accepting your forgiveness!
If everybody who was same-sex attracted had demons in them, I don’t think they would see much salvation and hope. If you really knew what was going on in their minds and hearts you would understand that the need for a relationship with a Savior is just as real for them as it is for you.
There is no more daemonic power over them than a person who is opposite-sex attracted!
Think of it this way, we’re all just regular people. Is everybody out there demonically influenced demonically oppressed or demonically possessed? And when you see it like that, you see a little more clearly (as a person of faith) that’s not the way to think. You should not be looking for demons you should be looking for Grace. You should be looking for the cross and to bring the love of Jesus Christ into everybody’s life.
Same-sex attracted people are no different than your neighbor who beats their spouse, does drugs, who’s an alcoholic or the person who sits next to you in church that gossips everyone’s business throughout your pews and you just smile and go home.
All of these are sin. All have been forgiven. All of these people are saved by the blood of Jesus.
Don’t get it in your mind, and let no one ever tell you that if one is saved and truly born again (which means they have accepted Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and Savior) that they cannot end up going into a gay lifestyle or into a homosexual relationship.
Just as anything else you can choose to walk in sin and follow the flesh, even though one has accepted Christ. Take a look to your right and your left, take a look at your family, your church, your work, take a look at the bar you patronize, the Christians who sit there are people who say they have accepted Jesus. But they got mad, hurt or confused so they’re doing their own thing.
I have news for you…You can’t walk away from God, he’s too powerful! Man is not so powerful he/she can cast off their creator. Anything you do cannot cause him to hate or give up on you.
As long as you have breath, Christ is your Savior! God will always be there to protect and lead you. The Bible says he will never leave you nor forsake you. (Heb13:5) That’s a promise. You can count on it!
I would love to debate or discuss this with you and your friends.
Trust that God is great and far greater is he who lives in you than he that is in the world. Jesus died for us. Look to him. Don’t be looking for demons in everybody’s problem because it’s just not true. That’s a distraction and a lie.
Now go and change somebody’s mind about God!
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